Today i had an error in AVR studio about a .cseg overlap. namely Overlap in .cseg: addr=0x1c conflicts with 0x1c:0x1d. After passing this error through Google I wasn't able to find a solution only that is was related to a memory address being reused. Since this problem was part of a school assignment due in a few days I decided to consult my teacher. Apparently fellow students had had the same problem. When using assembly on an ATMega32 cpu do not change the interrupt table. This will cause a .cseg error after the break more info.


.org 0x0000         rjmp init           ; Spring bij opstart naar de regel met de label INIT
.org INT2addr       rjmp snoozeInt      ; External Interrupt2 Vector Address (op port B2)
.org OC1Aaddr       rjmp incSeconde     ; go to ISR Timer_interrupt
.org UDREaddr       rjmp send           ; Data register is empty again and will go to send
.org 0x0016         rjmp Tim0_ovf       ; Timer 0 overflow interrupt
.org 0x0014         rjmp Tim0_comp      ; Timer 0 compare interrupt
.org 0x0000           rjmp init            ; Spring bij opstart naar de regel met de label INIT
.org INT2addr       rjmp snoozeInt         ; External Interrupt2 Vector Address (op port B2)
.org OC1Aaddr        rjmp incSeconde        ; go to ISR Timer_interrupt
.org OVF0addr        rjmp Tim0_comp
.org OC0addr          rjmp Tim0_ovf        ; Timer 0 overflow interrupt
.org UDREaddr        rjmp send            ; Data register is empty again and will go to send
The error disappeared. not that the udre interrupt was before the timer0 interrupt.