Nov 3, 2011 - Sponsoring

After introducing Google Adsense to the site I have also decided to add an option to donate. If you think an article was helpfull and you want to have more articles be so free to sponsor me. The money raised will be used to support the website and writing articles or to buy beers/whisky if there is some left over :)

Nov 3, 2011 - How to change Notification/ SMS ringtone on andriod

In this post I'll explain how to get mp3's as notification or sms tone on an andriod phone. This is a relative easy and fast job but just one you need to know.<!--more-->

First you connect your Android phone to your pc and set it to diskdrive mode. This allows you to browse the files on your sd card. 1. Now you go to the Sd card. 2. Search for a folder named Media. 2a. no folder Media create it and in it create the following folders: Alarms, Notifications and Ringtones. 3. Enter the Media folder 4. Enter the  Notifications Folder 5. Copy the Mp3 you want to use as notification/sms tone here 6. Disconnect your phone from the pc 7. Go to messages on the phone. 8. Press the menu button and go to the settings page. 9. go to notifications 10. click notification sound. 11. scroll and find the Mp3 select it and click apply, if it's not there try to reboot the phone and start again from step 7.

Now you should hear the Mp3 when ever you get a text message.

Oct 11, 2011 - Google adsense

People might notice big open space, at time of writing, or Google ads on the site. well yes I have signed up for Google adsense to see if I can generate a little money to keep this site on-line. I hope they are not to annoying.